The Truest Love in the World – 14 Pictures

Bonds between people and dogs are very strong, and you can hear some stories which are from the distant past. However, the love between the dogs and small children is something special. There are many stories about the friendship of children with dogs, and such love is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for all those who want to make beautiful stories. The love between a foster child and Labrador Reagan is a pure example of what we call eternal friendship.

Perfect Parents

The family Swiridoff is a perfect example of how you can share your love with those with whom you are not related by blood. Sandi Swirdoff recently told a story that melts hearts of many and showed people how real love exists. Thanks to the kindness of these people, two small creatures on this planet became happy.

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Meet Reagan – a Long Time Ago Lonely Dog

This is Reagan, and he is a Labradoodle. This cute dog enjoys people’s attention and likes to be part of all events in the house. Although he was surrounded with love by his owners, he still was a lonely dog until the time he has met his new friend. No, I am not talking about this Teddy Bear. This time I am referring to a real friend. 

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Time for a Bath

The boy who is, besides the dog, the main hero of this story has only three years. He is a foster child, and from the moment he stepped into the family, he immediately became popular. In addition to his new guardians, he quickly won the love of their pet. From that moment their joint adventures started. A delightful bath is just one of them.

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Let's Sleep Together

Maybe the most important for the boy was a moment when they started to sleep together. I wonder, did he feel safe from the very start? If we look at the picture, we can say that this boy got his lifetime guardian

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The Place Is Not Important

Although the bed is a good place to take a nap, even shag carpet is an excellent choice. Every place is good if you are in a good company. That is an old rule which will never change. These guys are happy together, and they do not care about their surroundings. 

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All Precious Moments

When they are in the house, you will always see them together. It is not important what they do; it is only important they do all together. These two best friends become the attraction of Instagram. Sandi decided to put them in the same clothes. 

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Outside Adventures

This fostered child was happy to find a friend like Reagan. Even when they are outside, the dog takes care of him. Well, we cannot expect from a dog to ride a bike. But, for sure he can follow the race. 

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Swinging in the Park

At the time you were children, did you always wanted to have someone who is constantly pushing you while you are on a swing in the park? This boy is lucky because his friend Labradoodle is always ready to come and help him and to send a swing to the heavenly heights. 

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Time for a Walk

It is not a dog the only one who is keen to help his friend. Also, a boy is willing to show his love, and this is why they always go for a walk together. It is hard for a boy to keep the leash because he is too small. But, he found a different way how to manage all. Just look at this cute solution shown on the picture. 

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The Romantic Moments

Well, I bet that all couples in love would like to have romantic moments beside the river. For a boy and a dog, this is something what they very often enjoy. They spend together time in different places, so why they should not sit by the water?

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Look in the Dog's Eyes

If you just look a bit better the eyes of this beautiful dog, you will see the immense love he feels for the boy. While he enjoys the kid gently caressing his face, everything looks like he says that they will be friends to their last breath in this world.

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The Adventures on the Boat

Not so rare, these guys have adventures on the open water. Of course, they are under the firm control of their Mum or Dad. It is a good feeling to spend some time together. These funny moments make their days fantastic and funny. 

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The Halloween Costumes

Well, this is maybe not a happy choice of costumes from the previous Halloween celebration. Although creativity of clothes was not on a high level, that was not important. Only the fact their friendship is adamant is something we should think about through this story. 

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Waiting for the Holiday

These two friends will spend upcoming holidays together. They will enjoy Christmas and New Year celebration together. Of course, a Christmas tree is unavoidably part of the decoration. Now we can only wait for their new photos on Instagram. It is not a secret they are capable of making us exciting surprises.

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Image Sources:


Author: Sandra

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