Well known Pink Birds – Flamingoes – 19 pics
These well-known pink birds – flamingos are one of the most beautiful birds in the world. Their name, which could be translated as fiery comes from their pink color. Though they somewhat resemble the genus, they're special kind of bird. There are 5 kinds of flamingos and they vary in color, size and habitat. Caribbean flamingo, as the name suggests, lives on the Caribbean islands. It's red-colored and has orange legs beak and face.The big flamingo lives in Europe, Africa and Asia, and the small one lives in India and some parts of African continent. In South America there are three kinds of these birds – James's, Andean and Chilean flamingo.
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The big flamingo is as high as the adult person, while the small one is tall as the first grade pupil. They have long and curved-downward beaks. Depending on the type they weight from 1,5kg to 4kg. They usually live 20 to 30 years, but some extreme examples lived for about half a century. These beautiful birds inhabit lagoons, lakes and swamps where there is a lot of mud. Flamingoes also can be found near the seas and lakes far from any other water source. Vivid pink color of these birds comes from alpha and beta carotene, which their food has an abundance of, and the blue-green algae and tiny crustaceans. Flamingo eats seeds and mollusks. These birds are very social. They live in colonies that can bring together tens of thousands of them. One interesting thing about them is that because of the very coordinated behavior in the colony all the flamingos will raise their babies at the same time. This must look amazing!