Big, Fluffy and Definitely Adorable Maine Coon Cat – 14 Pictures
Maine Coon cats are known as one of the largest domestic cats. There are only two more feline breeds that can stand back to back with this giant. Norwegian Forest Cats can weigh up to 16 pound and Ragdoll cats are bigger than Maine Coons and can weigh up to 20 pounds. Beside being such amazing creatures, they’re also skilled hunters and always in the mood for some cuddling, and can even be registered as emotional support animals. If after seeing how amazing they look, you’re considering getting one, keep in mind one thing that their owners mostly complain about – they eat A LOT and their hair can be a troublesome task to deal with. Also, as any cat breed, they can sometimes be complete jerks and destroy half of your stuff while throwing a tantrum.
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The fluffiest cat you’ll ever meet
Indeed, Maine Coon’s long hair and bushy tail make her one of the fluffiest creatures that ever walked on four legs. Their big and well tufted paws are built to withstand the harsh New England climates.
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Their Mysterious Origins
The breed originated in the US no doubt, but the truth of the Maine Coon’s origin remains a mystery to date. A few myths circled around, fantastic stories spread, like those that Maine Coon is an offspring of raccoon mixing with domestic cat. They’re also said to have been brought by the Vikings during their exploits, or that Marie Antoinette shipped them to America as part of an escape plan. The most probable of the origin stories is that a longhair cat, an ancestor to Maine Coon, was shipped to America by a certain captain Coon, who used her predatory skills to kill some mice on board.
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Who’s a big boy?
Maine Coon, being the largest domesticated cat breed, can weigh between 10 and 18 pounds, and can be all the way up to 40 inches in length! You probably didn’t know that they need 4 years to develop completely. So, if your Maine Coon cat is still acting childish, you need to wait a little bit!
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The gentle giant
Despite their daunting size, Maine Coon is the cuddliest little thing ever! It’ll easily become your or your child’s best friend! Sometimes a little wary of strangers at first, but once you get to know each other better, trust me, they become the most playful cats you’ll ever meet! That’s how they got the nickname The Gentle Giant. The reason why MC cats look bigger than they actually are is because of their luxuriously long coat. It is shorter on their shoulders and on their stomach it goes longer.
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They’ve got the brains
In addition to their playful nature, Maine Coon is among the most intelligent cats out there. These little creatures can actually be trained for tricks. They also give back your attention and are known for performing some ludicrous antics on people.
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Water fetish
If there’s one thing that the vast majority of cats are repelled by, it’s water. Not so with Maine Coon; not only does she appreciate an occasional dip, but also seems to manically enjoy water activities. Just look at her face prior to hitting the tub! And yeah, her water-resistant coat is also good for swimming.
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They Eat Big
If you own this cat, then you know the drill; Maine Coon is a heavy eater. You’ll pay often visits to pet shops in order to indulge their voracious appetite.
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The first laureate
Winding our clocks back to 1895 New York, let’s visit the first American cat show. Guess who was the winner there? The cat named Cosey stole the show and it was a “brown tabby” cat. Yes, that’s right! Maybe it sounds strange to you, but earlier cats were named and described only by their coat and not by their breed name. In that time, there also weren’t many cat breeds, so the winning cat was also described as a “native American” cat.
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Hunter of Some Repute
Being all cute and cuddly, Maine Coon is also an exquisite mouser. Although it may seem clumsy because of the size at first, it is actually very dexterous and fast animal. Truly, their hunting skill is a stuff of legends.
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Who is the biggest one?
The cat named Stewie is the longest Maine Coon cat that the World could ever see! According to the Guinness World Record, it measures 48.50 inches. We can only guess how it looks like when he wants to sit in his owner’s lap! He certainly is not so easy to handle…
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The biggest stars of our homes
Did you know that these cats are the most popular cats in the USA? Well, it’s true and there is going to be a good reason why this cat has clawed its way up near from extinction. Maine Coon fanciers admitted that it’s probably because of their size, intelligence, devotion to their human family, hardy disposition and unbelievably soft coat. Do we need more reasons? In the following video, you can see Maine Coon enjoying a bath…and the little chirping sounds that cat makes while enjoying- it’s priceless!
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The big one vs. the little one
The following video will make you laugh to tears! The huge MC cat is calmly watching what the little Bengal kitten is trying to do. It desperately wants to play in a little bit more aggressive way (in accordance with their nature), while the magnificent Maine Coon looks like wanna tell him: “Seriously, dude…I will sit on you!” Plucky little Bengal kitten keeps going back for more and the Cat’s got spunk!
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Friendship without borders
Here is the cutest and the strangest crew you could ever imagine! It consists of a little chinchilla, giant Maine Coon cat and a Yorkie dog who is curious of what the two are doing. His face tells us that something went wrong with those two guys…
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