18 Best of Dog Gifs
Recently, we dedicated a lot of time showing you how cats can do funny and pretty amazing stuff, how they can be cute and cuddly, but also, pretty scary. It's time to focus a bit on the other part of animal world, the dogs. In this “best of” gallery, you'll encounter some of the funniest dog gifs I have ever seen. I hope you'll think the same after these 18 gifs.
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Nothing but his pride was hurt during this stunt.
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Poor fellow is trying to get this statue to throw the stick he just brought. Sadly, no response…
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While most of the post related gifs we've seen here are filmed during the brutal destruction of letters by some dogs, there are examples like these, where the dog will patiently wait for postman to give him letters which he'll happily bring to his owner.
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All the time spent around humans taught him that he needs to wait patiently while his human does what every human needs to do – have some fun.